Horoscope Birthday Compatibility New To Horoscopes, What's Our Compatibility? Taurus Girl And Aries Guy?

New to Horoscopes, what's our compatibility? Taurus girl and Aries guy? - horoscope birthday compatibility

Hello, my name is Julie and I am curious about horoscopes and want to know how me and my new friend are compatible. We know for a month and that's great, but I still have mixed signals from him that I do not understand. Can our relationship work? What are the strengths and weaknesses of us as a couple? Then past or will break my heart (which has a history)

My birthday is May 6, 1987 in Kiev, Ukraine and sell is April 19, 1981 in Odessa, Ukraine. I am not sure that our time of birth

Please do not copy and answers, I want input Astrologers



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